Girl Kidnapped from Pro-Ana Website

This makes me sad! I’ve seen people post on pro-ana boards as “Ana Coaches” but I didn’t realize kids had any interest in that type of thing.

I was so, SO lucky. When I was younger than her, I tried to meet men online. In fact, I waited for one, but he never showed because he thought I was a cop. At 18, I did the same thing and narrowly missed meeting a serial killer. By 19, I was aware of the dangers, but my sense of self-preservation was lacking and I met people offline, alone, secretly, for sadomasochistic sex.

Yet, I was never kidnapped.

Poor kid! I hope she gets all the help she needs for her eating disorder, ASD, and working through the aftermath of this horrible trauma. I wish there was a way to help her. I can’t believe this guy got out after less than a year in jail and he had supporters!


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